Well as you can tell I spend a lot more time reading blogs than I do writing my own but I still have dreams of being this organised being who posts regularly and has lots of awesomeness to show for it.......it may never happen but I can keep hoping right!

In apology for my long absence I bring you pictures from my new(ish) iphone. My new(ish) red gumboots just before Darwin and I went for a walk this morning. (Of course Darwin was on his pink lead so that we colour clashed).

Darwin himself. Helping me with my uni readings. Not at all trying to convince me to give him treats and let him sleep inside. His belief in his right to sleep inside and my belief that he should sleep outside is a nightly discussion involving Darwin lying down as flat as possible on his mat (making him an impossible dead weight to lift) and me coaxing him to get up and ending up offering him a treat. Poor Darwin falls for the treat everytime and then is lead out to his yard - where he settles down to sleep rather quickly.

The fire has been burning away at our house all day long. Trying to hold back the chill. Only marginally successful. Despite a few days of warmth the other week, winter is still definitely here.
Now I must post this and feed Darwin. He has been giving long and loud yawns to remind me that he is outside and patiently waiting for his dinner and then to be let inside to sleep while we watch tv followed by the completion of the evening with a discssuon about where he will be sleeping.
Glad you are blogging again. Darwin was waiting for a walk earlier but I'm sure he has gone back to bed on this very windy, rainy day. Certainly a good day for your red gumboots.